Reader’s Quest… a good night’s sleep!

Hey, everybody! Reader here, and I have a question for you…

Are you like me and constantly have a hard time falling asleep at night?

If only I could fall asleep so easily…

Whether I have a snooze in the afternoon, or if I force myself to stay awake in the hopes of falling asleep more easily at night, it doesn’t matter… I am not a good sleeper.

A big part of it is that I deal with a lot of anxiety. I carry a lot of stress, and unfortunately, when I lie in bed at night, and all is quiet, that’s when my brain goes into overdrive, and all I can think about is everything that bothers me. It’s silly, because in that moment, I can’t solve any of those problems, but they drive me up the wall anyway.

I’ve tried melatonin, but I’m always worried that it’ll work too well, and I won’t wake up when I need to.

And my Mom lives a little too far away to sing me lullabies at night (Though I know she’d do it via FaceTime if I asked her too because my Mom is the best!)

But I’m growing increasingly tired of constantly being tired, and so I decided to do a little AI search for tips on how to fall asleep at night. Hopefully, some of these will do the trick, and help me get some much-needed rest.

Gently drift into a peaceful sleep with these soothing bedtime tips:

  1. Embrace a Routine: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to set a calming rhythm. (Well, here’s Problem #1. My routine is so screwed up, that there really is no routine.)
  2. Unplug Early: Let your mind relax by turning off screens an hour before sleep. (I guess that rules out TV before bed. Maybe I need to start reading before bed instead!)
  3. Create Your Sanctuary: Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet for a tranquil environment. (The cool and dark part I’ve got covered, but until summer’s over and I can turn off the air conditioner and fan for good, the quiet part could be a little tough!)
  4. Wind Down Gently: Enjoy a calming activity like reading or light stretching before bed. (Again, I guess it’s time to start reading before bed. I’d be worried that stretching out before bed might get the blood pumping a bit too much, though!)
  5. Mind Your Evening Choices: Avoid caffeine and heavy meals a few hours before heading to bed. (I do drink too much Coke Zero at all hours, and I often have late suppers. Counterproductive!)
  6. Natural Comforts: Sip on chamomile tea or diffuse lavender essential oil to soothe your senses. (The lavender thing sounds nice! I do have some “Sleepy Time Tea.” Maybe I’ll have to make a habit out of that before bed!)
  7. Short Naps: If you nap, keep it brief and not too close to bedtime. Relax and let the evening carry you into sweet dreams. (The afternoon nap has become a staple of my routine. Perhaps instead of crashing on the couch for an hour or two, I should take a20-30-minute catnap and set an alarm to keep from crashing out too hard!)

Hopefully these tips can help me (and you) get a more restful night of sleep.

One thing I won’t do, though? Warm milk. Gross. Milk is best enjoyed ice-cold. Full stop.

One time, I was even so desperate to sleep that I tried listening to this gem. It didn’t necessarily work, but it definitely fed into the nostalgia factor! (We actually have this record at the farm!)

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