Reader’s eight-legged phobia!

Reader here!  We’re knee-deep in the spooky season, with Halloween just over a week away.

It’s that time of year when haunted houses and horror movies abound, as we look for fun things to scare the bejeezus out of ourselves, our familiies and our pals.

But I want to talk for a minute about actual phobias.  And this is one I developed as an adult.Simply put… Why are tarantulas so terrifying?

It might be their large, hairy bodies and those eight intense eyes that can send chills down your spine!

I’m freaking out just looking at this picture on my computer screen right now!

I mean, just look at that!  Pure nightmare fuel for me!

The strange thing is, when I was a kid, I actually wanted one for a pet!

I cut this exact two-page ad for Avia basketball shoes out of an issue of Sports Illustrated, back in 1989 or ’90, and hung it on my wall!

This ad hung on my bedroom wall for years! (Photo from

I watched “Arachnophobia” as a kid, and made it through this scene without freaking out!

Years later, I saw “Eight Legged Freaks,” and didn’t run screaming in the other direction.

Heck, to this day, Spider-Man is my all-time favourite super hero!

But I think I’ve pinpointed where my fear of tarantulas began.

Two words… “Home Alone.”

You know the scene. Harry and Marv break into the house, and Marv finally gets a hold of Kevin’s foot, to keep him from getting away. But then, Kevin gets his hand on his brother Buzz’s pet tarantula. You know what happens next…

Watching Macaulay Culkin slooooooowly lower that arachnid onto Daniel Stern’s face did it for me. Ever since then, the sight of a tarantula creeps me out something fierce!

(Kudos to Daniel Stern for one of the all-time greatest big screen screams, though!)

As with many things in life, at some point, I’ll need to face my fear.  When that opportunity may come, I don’t know, but eventually I’ll put on my big boy pants and make it happen.

You know why?  Let’s take a moment to explore the truth behind the terror.   As much as they may totally make me freeze at the mere sight of them, tarantulas are actually the gentle giants of the arachnid world, often misunderstood due to their creeptacular appearance, with their hairy legs and eight eyes… and some species of them being as big as a frickin’ dinner plate!  But I digress.

Tarantulas are actually known for their calm demeanor, and they rarely pose a threat to humans.  They’re far more likely to run away from you than bite you.

Beyond their looks, tarantulas play a crucial role in ecosystems by controlling insect populations.  So, before you and I pass judgment, take a closer look and discover the intriguing world of tarantulas.  They just might surprise you!

Though interesting as they actually may be, I don’t think I’ll be rushing out to become an entomologist anytime soon!

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