Craig Read

Reader’s one very proud “Dance Uncle!”

Reader’s one very proud “Dance Uncle!”

Jun 19, 2024 | 9:56pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here, and one of my favourite things to do is watch my nieces and nephew take part in all the activities they enjoy. I’ve talked about my nephew Hadley’s sports endeavours, in hockey, football and broomball, as well as his big sister Sofie’s ringette adventures, which have taken her to European nations […]
An amazing night with Honeymoon Suite!

An amazing night with Honeymoon Suite!

Jun 17, 2024 | 2:41pm
What’s up, everybody? Reader here, and I’m back from my vacation, and I’m still pumped up from the festivities Saturday night, as we welcomed in the Cruz FM era with a HUGE party, featuring iconic Canadian rockers Honeymoon Suite! We’d been looking forward to the big night ever since it was announced, and it didn’t […]
Gettin’ toasted with Reader!

Gettin’ toasted with Reader!

Jun 6, 2024 | 9:58pm
Reader here, and I want to know – if you’re feeling lazy, and don’t want to cook, or it’s been one of those days, and you just need a little pick-me-up to get you through the day, what do you like to snack on? Well, since I was a kid, there’s one thing above all […]
Reader rekindles his love affair with the library!

Reader rekindles his love affair with the library!

Jun 4, 2024 | 10:20pm
Reader here! Are you a bookworm like me? Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved the library. Growing up, I spent hours in the library at Conquest School and Outlook High School, soaking up the atmosphere of being surrounded by knowledge. Whether it was reading the daily Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, poring over the latest edition […]
Thunder in the Parkland Truck & Tractor Pulls AND Classic Car Show!

Thunder in the Parkland Truck & Tractor Pulls AND Classic Car Show!

Jun 4, 2024 | 8:47am
Today we chat with Brad Bloodoff and Al Shumay as they give details about Thunder in the Parkland with truck & tractor pulls June 21 & 22, as well as the classic car show on the 22nd! When, where, tickets, and even how to register your vehicles. Listen below!
Yorkton Flour Mill Tours Are On!

Yorkton Flour Mill Tours Are On!

Jun 3, 2024 | 8:48am
Today we chat with Samuel Hove and Juanita Brown with the Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society as they promote tours at the flour mill. What you can expect, how to register for a tour, when the tours are, and more. Listen Below!
Reader’s back on the diamond!

Reader’s back on the diamond!

Jun 2, 2024 | 10:13pm
Reader here, and it’s that time of year again, when I dig out the mitt and the cleats, and get back out on the diamond for another slow-pitch season. Our team, the “Sons of Pitches,” actually played our first doubleheader of the season on Friday night at Jubilee Park, and won ’em both, by scores […]
A big sigh of relief for Reader!

A big sigh of relief for Reader!

May 30, 2024 | 8:25pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here, and I want to tell you about one of the smartest purchases I’ve ever made. It’s nothing big. Not a vehicle, or a piece of property. Something much smaller. A screen protector. For a long time, I was never a big believer in screen protectors, as thought they weren’t something that […]
Reader’s mind is willing, but his body has other ideas!

Reader’s mind is willing, but his body has other ideas!

May 29, 2024 | 9:10pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here, and the “Learn to Run” clinics are well underway, as we continue to gear up for the Health Foundation Charity Road Race. For the most part, I’ve been doing pretty well. But, last Thursday, I ran into a bit of a bump in the road… During last Thursday’s run clinic, we […]
Kidsport Jersey Day is May 31st!

Kidsport Jersey Day is May 31st!

May 28, 2024 | 8:50am
Today we have Doug Jonassen from Kidsport Yorkton in the studio, as he talks all the details about it being Kidsport week, as well as Jersey Day this Friday – with a competition for schools in the area too! Listen below.

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