Craig Read

Boost your Brain with Scrabble!

Boost your Brain with Scrabble!

Apr 3, 2024 | 6:16pm
Reader here! Yesterday, I posted a video chatting about my love for board games in general, and one in particular… That’s right. I loooooove Scrabble! A lot of games are fun, but I find have too many rules to keep straight. Not Scrabble. Unless a word is a proper name, place or contraction, if you […]
Craig + “Calvin and Hobbes” = Joy!

Craig + “Calvin and Hobbes” = Joy!

Apr 2, 2024 | 5:17pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here. Remember when the funny pages were a thing? You know, back in the pre-internet days, when the daily newspaper was a regular part of daily life? Sitting around at the farm over the Easter weekend, and chatting with my family, we got reminiscing about some of our family that has since […]
Reader’s roadie to Melville to cheer on the Millionaires in playoff action!

Reader’s roadie to Melville to cheer on the Millionaires in playoff action!

Mar 28, 2024 | 8:06am
Hey, everybody – Reader here! It was a big night at C.N. Community Centre in Melville last night, as the Millionaires were looking to keep their season alive, when they played host to the defending SJHL champion Battlefords North Stars, in Game Four of their quarterfinal series. After the visitors exploded for a four goal […]
It’s “Craig the Collector!”

It’s “Craig the Collector!”

Mar 27, 2024 | 12:03pm
What’s up, everybody? Reader here. I was sitting around the apartment last night, and realized that a) I have a lot of random stuff. And b), I need more space for said stuff! Now, what I mean by random stuff, is that I have lots of different collectible items related to pop culture. Whether it’s […]
Here’s to Canadian Hip-Hop!

Here’s to Canadian Hip-Hop!

Mar 25, 2024 | 8:03pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here! The Juno Awards were held over the weekend, celebrating the best in Canadian music, and a highlight for me, was seeing Maestro Fresh Wes inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, I first heard hip-hop, rap, whatever you want to call it, […]
Sandwiches are the best!

Sandwiches are the best!

Mar 21, 2024 | 10:22pm
What’s up, everybody? Reader here. It some ways, I’m a lot like Chewbacca, the seven-foot tall Wookie, from Star Wars fame. When I get lazy and forget to shave for a while, I turn into a hairy beast. But, I also tend to think with my stomach! And when I need something to fill that […]
Challenge yourself – Learn a musical instrument!

Challenge yourself – Learn a musical instrument!

Mar 20, 2024 | 7:45pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here. Many of you know that I fancy myself to be a pretty musical guy. Which makes sense, working in radio, I s’pose. But it’s not just listening to music, but playing it, too! Since Grade Five, I’ve been playing the trumpet. I was really fortunate to have some great band teachers […]
It’s Snacktime with Reader!

It’s Snacktime with Reader!

Mar 14, 2024 | 7:40pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here. Earlier this week, Stacie and Zenga were asking everybody about some strange food combos that they enjoy. I don’t know that there’s any one particular combo that I enjoy to this day, though I had a phase when I was a kid, where I enjoyed dunking certain foods in beverages. On […]
“Do this, don’t do that… Can’t you read the siiiiiign?”

“Do this, don’t do that… Can’t you read the siiiiiign?”

Mar 12, 2024 | 1:08pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here. Are there things that drive you nuts, and you know that they shouldn’t bug you so much, but they just do? Well, allow me to put on my cranky old man pants for a moment, and do my best “Grampa Simpson shaking my fist at a cloud” impression. What grinds my […]

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