Reader the Golfer… not quite up to par!

Reader the Golfer… not quite up to par!

Jul 9, 2024 | 5:09pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here. I’m still busy doing the ag show thing for the rest of the week, but over the weekend, I was out at Langenburg Motors, and while I was there, I couldn’t resist trying out the mini-putt game they had set up for kids (of all ages). As you can see, my […]
A Recap of the Yorkton EX Summer Fair

A Recap of the Yorkton EX Summer Fair

Jul 8, 2024 | 12:01pm
The Yorkton Exhibition just wrapped up its 2024 Summer Fair, from Wednesday through Saturday. I was there for all four days and ended up having a great time! The Summer Fair is something that when we were kids, all wanted to go to. When I was younger and lived back in Ontario, my family would […]
Reader learns a new fast food hack (Thanks, Eddie!)

Reader learns a new fast food hack (Thanks, Eddie!)

Jul 4, 2024 | 9:43pm
Hey everybody, Reader here. Have you ever gotten used to doing things a certain way, and out of the blue, somebody shows you a new way of doing the same thing, that makes you smack your forehead, and wonder “Why didn’t I think of that?” Not too long ago, Eddie and I were talking food […]
Hangin’ out on the farm with Reader

Hangin’ out on the farm with Reader

Jul 3, 2024 | 9:51pm
Reader here! You guys may have noticed that I haven’t been hanging out with Eddie the last couple of days. Due to some of my fellow newsroom staff enjoying some well-earned vacation time, I’ve been pressed into service, covering the Agriculture Desk for the next couple of weeks. So don’t worry – I’m not far […]
Reader’s ready to run!

Reader’s ready to run!

Jul 2, 2024 | 7:12pm
Reader here, and I made it! I have graduated from the 2024 “Learn to Run” clinics with the Yorkton Pacers Running Club, as we gear up for the Health Foundation Charity Road Race. We were supposed to have done our “Graduation Run” last Tuesday night which consisted of running the course that we’ll tackle on […]
Reader vs. the Molten Pizza Pops of Doom!

Reader vs. the Molten Pizza Pops of Doom!

Jun 25, 2024 | 10:57pm
Reader here! As you all know, I’m a man driven to fill my stomach whenever possible. I love to eat, and I’m usually game to try anything. A few weeks ago, I was strolling down the frozen food aisle in one of our local supermarkets, when something caught my eye, and I was instantly intrigued. […]
Reader and Basketball… a match made in Heaven!

Reader and Basketball… a match made in Heaven!

Jun 20, 2024 | 10:00pm
What’s up, everybody? Reader here, and while I was away on holidays last week, I got to do something I hadn’t done in a while. I made my way to the “Snake Pit,” (a.k.a. SaskTel Centre in Saskatoon), to catch the Saskatchewan Rattlers in action, as they played host to the Brampton Honey Badgers. I’ve […]
Reader’s one very proud “Dance Uncle!”

Reader’s one very proud “Dance Uncle!”

Jun 19, 2024 | 9:56pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here, and one of my favourite things to do is watch my nieces and nephew take part in all the activities they enjoy. I’ve talked about my nephew Hadley’s sports endeavours, in hockey, football and broomball, as well as his big sister Sofie’s ringette adventures, which have taken her to European nations […]
Woman Caught Smuggling 350 Nintendo Switch Games In Her Bra

Woman Caught Smuggling 350 Nintendo Switch Games In Her Bra

Jun 18, 2024 | 11:31am
Gamers often show incredible dedication, but this woman took it to the next level. During a security check at an airport coming from Hong Kong and into China, officials were stunned to discover she had stashed 350 Nintendo Switch games in her bra. Yes, you read that right—350 games. This might be the most creative […]
An amazing night with Honeymoon Suite!

An amazing night with Honeymoon Suite!

Jun 17, 2024 | 2:41pm
What’s up, everybody? Reader here, and I’m back from my vacation, and I’m still pumped up from the festivities Saturday night, as we welcomed in the Cruz FM era with a HUGE party, featuring iconic Canadian rockers Honeymoon Suite! We’d been looking forward to the big night ever since it was announced, and it didn’t […]

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