Craig Read

Reader’s Quest… a good night’s sleep!

Reader’s Quest… a good night’s sleep!

Sep 4, 2024 | 4:54pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here, and I have a question for you… Are you like me and constantly have a hard time falling asleep at night? Whether I have a snooze in the afternoon, or if I force myself to stay awake in the hopes of falling asleep more easily at night, it doesn’t matter… I […]
Back to School with Reader!

Back to School with Reader!

Sep 3, 2024 | 5:03pm
Reader here, and well, summer vacation is over. Students in Saskatchewan headed back to school today, while some Manitoba kids will be back in class tomorrow, with the rest heading back later in the week. It’s always such a bittersweet thing to bid farewell to summer. No bedtimes or alarm clocks, endless days to hang […]
Reader’s Road Race Wrap-Up

Reader’s Road Race Wrap-Up

Aug 29, 2024 | 8:39pm
Reader here! As I mentioned, this is my first week back in the office after a couple of weeks off. I spent most of that time home at the farm near Conquest. But, in the middle, I did make a quick trip back to Yorkton for the Health Foundation Charity Road Race, on August 18th. […]
Reader, the Mosquito Smorgasbord

Reader, the Mosquito Smorgasbord

Aug 28, 2024 | 5:57pm
Reader here once again, and this is my first week back on the job after enjoying a couple of weeks of vacation time. For the most part, it was awesome to kick back and relax. But, there was one drawback. One evening, my parents and I were sitting on the deck, enjoying a the cool […]
It’s happening… Oasis is back!

It’s happening… Oasis is back!

Aug 27, 2024 | 7:32pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here, and this morning, I woke up to some of the best news I’ve heard in a long time. After days of speculation and teases, Liam and Noel Gallagher made it official this morning… Oasis, the forever kings of Britpop, will reunite for the first time since 2009, to tour the U.K. […]
Reader’s Road Tunes!

Reader’s Road Tunes!

Aug 8, 2024 | 7:06pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here, and no, I haven’t vanished off the face of the earth. I’m just wrapping up a couple more weeks pitching in in the newsroom, covering the agriculture desk, while our News/Ag Director Doug Falconer wraps up his summer holidays. And after I finish that up tomorrow? Two glorious weeks of vacation! […]
Adulting 101 with Reader!

Adulting 101 with Reader!

Aug 7, 2024 | 10:22pm
Hello, everybody! Reader here, and today, I was reminded that even though I’m a grown man (that is about to turn 47 years old on Friday), there is still work to do, when it comes to being an adult, and taking care of the day-to-day stuff. That process never really ends, does it? For me, […]
Lasagna – a nice warm hug for Reader’s tummy!

Lasagna – a nice warm hug for Reader’s tummy!

Aug 6, 2024 | 9:23pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here. I was doing a little bit of meal prep yesterday, as it’s a short week, before I go on vacation for a couple of weeks, and I don’t feel like thinking too much on what to eat for the next few days. But, what to make? Then, it dawned on me […]
Reader’s Rider Memories

Reader’s Rider Memories

Aug 1, 2024 | 9:00pm
Reader here! It’s been a minute since I’ve been to a Rider game at Mosaic Stadium. Too long, frankly. The last time I went to a game was the 2021 West Semifinal, when the Riders took out Calgary in overtime. (Its always good to beat Calgary in anything. But since then, I haven’t been back […]
Metallica, and the music that moves Reader

Metallica, and the music that moves Reader

Jul 31, 2024 | 11:39pm
Reader here! I got thinking about live music, and how there’s nothing better than a good concert, to really get the blood pumping, and really get you feeling amazing. To that end, I posed a question on our social media pages… For me, it’s an amazing thing. Regardless of what kind of mood I’m in, […]

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